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2020 AMDA Annual Conference Event Banner
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Welcome to AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
Call for Oral Presentations and Poster Abstracts Submission Site!

The Annual Conference Program Planning Subcommittee invites you to submit oral presentations and poster abstracts for the Society's 2020 Annual Conference to be held April 2-5, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in Chicago, Illinois.

Submissions should be based on the learning objectives and areas of interest noted below and include current trends and best practices in post-acute and long-term care (PALTC). Of special interest is emerging clinical information, research, innovative ideas and solutions to problems, emerging concepts in management and medical direction, and updates on approaches to regulatory compliance.

2020 Timeline:

  • April 29, 2019 - Abstract Submission Site Opens
  • July 24, 2019 (11:59 PM ET) - Deadline for Oral Presentation Submissions
  • November 26, 2019 (11:59 PM ET) - Deadline for Poster Abstract Submissions

TARGET AUDIENCE: Medical directors, attending physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, practice managers, administrators, consultant pharmacists and other professionals practicing in the PALTC continuum.

EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: For 2020, the Annual Conference Program Planning Subcommittee is placing an emphasis on the need for skill-based and innovative sessions that incorporate interactive learning strategies and provide attendees with resources to implement upon return to practice. Based on the latest educational needs analysis conducted by Annual Conference Program Planning Subcommittee, these topics have been identified as areas of focus for this year. Click here to see what conference attendees identified, in their own words, as issues/problems in practice they want help resolving.

ORAL PRESENTATION SUBMISSIONS: Seeking proposals for 60-minute, 90-minute, and 3.5 hour workshops.

The following information is required to successfully submit an ORAL PRESENTATION:
Title, educational need, abstract, learning objectives, references, speaker bios, speaker roles in presentation, financial disclosure and recording release for each speaker, brief program description for printed materials, presentation length, category, learning level, target audience and contact information for each speaker. Submitters are encouraged to submit clinical proposals in 60-minute time slots and more interactive, skill-based proposals in 90-minute/3.5 hour time slots.
Sample Proposals:
60-Minute Oral Presentation
90-Minute Oral Presentation
3.5 Hour Workshop Oral Presentation

POSTER ABSTRACT SUBMISSIONS: Seeking abstracts for case report/case series, education, quality improvement, and research categories.

The following information is required to successfully submit a POSTER ABSTRACT:
Case Report/Case Series Category - Introduction (provide a context of the case, its relevance and importance), case description (history, physical examination, investigative studies, progress, outcomes), discussion (extract the lesson(s) learned, discuss decisions that were made), financial disclosure for each author, and contact information for each author.
Education Category - Title, introduction/objective, design/methodology, results, conclusion/discussion, financial disclosure for each author (submitting author will be responsible for gathering this information), category and contact information for each author.
Quality Improvement Category - Background (description of the existing quality gap), objective/aim, quality improvement methods (strategy for improvement, design, setting, participants, interventions, measurements, evaluation), results (impact of the change), conclusions (generalizable lessons learned), financial disclosure for each author, and contact information for each author.
Research Category - Title, introduction/objective, design/methodology, results, conclusion/discussion, financial disclosure for each author, category and contact information for each author.

There is a 3,000-character count limit for poster abstract submissions. This limit does not include the abstract title or authors. Punctuation does count against the 3,000 character limit.

For additional details and specific criteria regarding oral presentations or poster abstract submissions, please log in or create an account (new user). If you submitted an oral proposal or poster abstract in 2019, you can log in using the same email address and access key.

NOTE: The Society conducts a blind review of proposals, which means author identities are concealed from the reviewers. Submitters will receive decision notifications via email. Decisions of the Annual Conference Program Planning Subcommittee are final and not subject to challenge or explanation. Notification of acceptance for oral presentations will be sent by September 19, 2019 and poster abstracts will be sent by December 19, 2019.

Log in to the Abstract ScoreCard

Questions? Organizer: Linda Lang -