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Thank you submitting a proposal for NAGC23. Submissions for NAGC23 is now closed. Submitters will receive information on their proposal(s) in early May 2023.
The NAGC annual convention is the largest event devoted to gifted and talented children for classroom teachers, gifted/talented coordinators, school administrators, researchers, parents, college and university faculty, and others interested in the education of high-ability and high-potential learners. We invite you to submit presentation proposals.
(The proposal submission site login is not the same as your NAGC website login or the Password or Access Key from previous submission years.)
- All users must create a new login for 2023 by clicking on "join now" and then following the steps to create an account.
- Please only use one email address and create only one account, and PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR ACCESS KEY so that you can use it to log back in successfully.
The system will keep track of your progress, and you can return as many times as needed before the deadline to edit, add, withdraw, or revise your submission.
You may submit up to 3 proposals as the lead presenter. In the final program, an individual can participate in up to 4 presentations. This rule does not apply to NAGC Signature Series or Network Super Sunday Sessions which are invited presentations developed by the NAGC Convention Program Chair or Network Program Chair. It does include Poster Sessions.
To present the very best and most relevant content, organized in 16 Different Network Strands, NAGC's Annual Convention proposals require a 60 word description that describes the session content to convention attendees, a 250 word description for evaluation purposes*, and list up to 3 learning outcomes attendees will take away from the session. The 250 word description should include detailed information such as practical application to a particular audience(s), knowledge and tools that attendees will receive, and, if possible, links to background evidence/theory. Do not include the names of any presenters in the descriptions. *Empirical proposals submitted to the Research & Evaluation Network must include a scientific process description (900 words max).
NAGC has made equity and serving diverse students a priority. Proposal submissions that focus on equity and include information about, or educational strategies that address, traditionally underserved populations of gifted students are strongly encouraged.
In order to solicit sessions that will be of particular interest to educators in Florida, Gifted Education Professionals have provided a document which may help guide proposal submitters as they prepare their submissions. Possible Session focus ideas.
Expert reviewers from the NAGC Networks conduct blind reviews using the Proposal Rubric which is accessible on this site prior to submission. Network Program Chairs and National Convention Committee members finalize the selections to ensure the process is fair, balanced, and broadly representative of the field. You will receive notice via email in mid-May 2023 regarding the status of your proposal submission(s).