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ACRM Annual FALL Conference & EXPO 2025 Chicago
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ACRM 2025 Call for Proposals Submission Site

ACRM 102nd Annual Fall Conference & EXPO | Progress in Rehabilitation Research

CHICAGO Hilton • 27 - 30 OCT 2025 // PRE-CON: 25 - 27 OCT


WAVE 1: 30 JANUARY — all submission kinds

WAVE 2: 15 MARCH — all submission kinds

WAVE 3: 19 APRIL — final call for instructional courses (ICs), symposia & LaunchPad

WAVE 4: ONLY scientific papers & posters — 31 MAY 2025

*** For comprehensive Call for Proposals information including guidelines & worksheets: *** For information on the Conference:


New to ACRM?

Welcome! Please select the ‘Create a Profile’ option below to begin your first submission.

Log in below with your username (email address) and previous submission system access key (password). If you don’t remember your access key, please click the 'Lost your access key?' button below to quickly receive your access key via automated email. Note, this email is a system generated email and may go to your spam filter.

Profiles made prior to 2022 will need to be remade. Please select the 'Create a Profile' button below.


***This is abbreviated information. Please see for full details, guidelines and worksheets.***

INSTRUCTIONAL COURES (ICs): The purpose of an instructional course is to provide training/instruction in new knowledge/skills. Attendees will develop new competencies that can be applied in practice or research. Instructional Courses may be proposed for 4-hour or 8-hour blocks. All instructional courses should have a minimum of two presenters.

SYMPOSIA: In-depth information communication/knowledge translation. This course is intended primarily to impart information. Symposia are 60 minutes long. Symposia should have a minimum of two presenters.

SCIENTIFIC PAPERS & POSTERS: A scientific paper is a moderated oral presentation of 12 minutes including questions and discussion. Posters are graphic presentations of a scientific paper. Submissions must include objectives, hypotheses, methodology, and results in the abstract. The abstracts of all accepted papers and posters are eligible to be published for registered attendees in the Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Accepted posters in WAVES 1 - 4 are eligible for prestigious awards. Poster submissions received during the call for late-breaking posters are *not* eligible for awards.

ACRM LaunchPad: A Rehabilitation Technology Innovation Competition: An annual competition created to highlight innovative rehabilitation technologies developed by non-profit research and engineering labs and startup companies. Pitch your company or product to a panel of rehabilitation industry experts to receive market feedback and win prizes. Submissions should include an executive summary. An executive summary template can be found on the LaunchPad page.


The following information is required for each presenter named in the proposal you wish to submit:

  • Full Name
  • Primary Job Title and Affiliation
  • Professional Address
  • Email Address
  • Credentials/Degree
  • Highest Degree Earned
  • Biographical Sketch
  • CV
  • Presenter Agreements
  • Presenter/Author Disclosures

Should you have any questions, comments or issues submitting your proposal, please email or call +1.703.435.5335 and ask for submission help.

***PLEASE NOTE! If your proposal is accepted, each presenter will be required to register and pay the conference registration fee — specially discounted for presenters. Early bird savings plus presenter discounts save 20 - 30% off the current prices. See all rates:***

Log in to the Abstract ScoreCard

Questions? Organizer: Deborah Hille -