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Call for Nominations for the Multisector Partner Group Event Banner
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AAMC Center for Health Justice is accepting applications for the Multisector Partner Group
January 11, 2022 - February 18, 2022

Call for Nominations
The goal of the AAMC Center for Health Justice, founded in 2021, is for all communities to have an opportunity to thrive — a goal that reaches well beyond medical care.

The AAMC Center for Health Justice invites nominations for members to its Multisector Partner Group from all sectors, not just health care, to inform and guide the Center for Health Justice’s programmatic and partnership building activities.

Role of the Multisector Partner Group
The Center for Health Justice is assembling a Multisector Partner Group with 8-10 members to serve a three-year term from sectors representing the diverse social and political determinants of health to guide the center’s priorities and strategy. The group will convene in 2022 to co-develop the Center’s “All in for Health Equity” initiative and will have an ongoing role in informing and promoting the Center’s work to move towards health equity.

Members of the Multisector Partner Group will agree to the terms in a Consulting Agreement and a Statement of Work, and must be available for the following commitments:
  • Participate in a series of six virtual collaborating meetings, estimating five hours per month, to inform the work of the AAMC Center for Health Justice’s “All in for Health Equity” initiative. The meeting dates are as follows:

Meeting 1: April 11, 2022

Meeting 2: April 25, 2022

Meeting 3: May 9, 2022

Meeting 4: May 23, 2022

Meeting 5: June 6, 2022

Meeting 6: June 21, 2022

  • After the meeting series concludes, dedicate up to three hours per month in an ongoing role of informing the work of the AAMC Center for Health Justice and socializing the initiative throughout the sectors of society to foster sustainable change.
  • Members of the Multisector Partner Group will be compensated with a fixed fee of $6,000 in year 1 that will be provided in several disbursements. For years 2 and 3, the stipend amount will be based on the level of anticipated work.
Components of the Application
To complete the application, please include:

Applicant Type: Applications can either be submitted by an individual applicant or on behalf of an organization. The AAMC Center for Health Justice accepts applications from organizations or individuals.

Personal Information: The name of the organization and the person applying on behalf of the organization or the individual applicant, contact information, and address.

Application Questions: This section includes a description of the organization or individual and relevant health equity work. It should also summarize why you are interested in being a member of the Multisector Partner Group and what skills and perspectives you will bring.

Supporting Documentation: This section is optional and provides an opportunity to include any supporting documentation or references that highlight your work in health equity.

How to Apply
Please read the instructions carefully. You will need to create an account to complete the application for the Multisector Partner Group. Applicants will be notified of the Center for Health Justice Selection Committee’s decision in March 2022.
  1. New Users, click Join Now to create your account
  2. Complete the account information. You will need your personal information, mailing address, contact details, and professional information
  3. After completing the requested information, create your Access Key and click Create Account
  4. Once directed to the Privacy Notice page, review the privacy policy, and enter your e-signature
  5. You will be directed to your personal account
  6. Under Applications, click Begin a New Application
  7. Click Submit at the end of the application process and you will receive an email confirmation with a link to your application.
Questions or problems accessing the application? If you have questions about the application process, please contact the AAMC Center for Health Justice at Please include “All In for Health Equity” in the subject line.

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