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2020 Annual Meeting ePosters Event Banner
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Welcome to the Emergency Nursing 2020
ePoster Abstract Submission Site

Abstracts are no longer being accepted for ENA 2020.

The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) is accepting ePoster abstracts for Emergency Nursing 2020 to be held September 8-11 in Las Vegas, NV. Both members and non-members are encouraged to submit ePoster abstracts.

Focus Areas
Share your knowledge and expertise in any of the following areas (including, but no limited to): Advocacy, Behavioral Health, Chronic Disease, Clinical, Disaster Preparedness, Geriatrics, Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Quality and Safety, Trauma, and Nurse Wellness.
ePoster Abstract Categories
  • Research ePosters should include information about the process and results of a study aimed at generating new knowledge relative to a specific research question to advance clinical practice.
  • Evidence-based practice ePosters should include information about the process and results of identifying and implementing evidence guiding practice change that is aimed at advancing clinical practice. (This category includes quality/process improvement projects.)
Please review the Statement of Understanding for ePoster abstracts before starting a submission.

You may stop and start your submission at any time, save and return to it later, any time prior to the submission deadline.

Abstracts are no longer being accepted for ENA 2020.

Log in to the Abstract ScoreCard

Questions? Organizer: ENA Dept. of Emergency Nursing Research -