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Welcome to the AQO 2023 Abstract Submission Site

Abstract Submission Information & Guidelines

Abstracts are being accepted for presentation consideration at The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 2023 Advances in Quality & Outcomes (AQO): A Data Managers Meeting. Accepted submissions will be presented as e-posters; however, some selected abstracts also may be presented orally.


Abstracts submitted for presentation consideration at the AQO Meeting must use STS National Database Core Fields and Participating Sites Custom Fields to achieve results. Two types of abstracts will be considered:

  • Scientific Abstracts: Use of evidence-based practice to improve outcomes.
  • Quality Improvement (QI) Abstracts: Any hospital/system QI activity demonstrating change in behavior or outcome.


All submitted scientific abstracts must be original works not previously presented. Authors submitting QI abstracts, who may want to submit their work for presentation/publication at another meeting, should be aware of other societies’/accrediting bodies’ rules and regulations regarding submission of previously presented works.

Abstract Development Guidelines

  1. Provide the corresponding author’s full name, institution, email address, and telephone number. The corresponding author should submit the abstract electronically.
  2. Provide the remaining authors’ names, titles, and name(s) of the authors’ institution(s).
  3. Title of Abstract: Provide a short and specific title that indicates the nature of the study. Please use title case and no periods or abbreviations. (Example: This Is a Properly Formatted Title).
  4. Abstracts must be limited to 250 words and typed into the online submission form. The 250-word limit does not include the title of the abstract or the names of authors; it applies to the total word count of the four sections listed below.
  5. All abstracts must be broken into the following sections or they will not be accepted. Abstracts not in compliance with the following instructions will not be reviewed:
    • Background: A brief statement of the study’s purpose and current state of research in the field.
    • Methods or Study Population: Clearly and briefly defined methods of the study or experimental approach.  
    • Results: A summary of the study results, including sufficient details to support the conclusions made. To summarize results, you may include one table (not to exceed 10 columns, 10 rows), one graph, or one illustration (.jpg file not to exceed 4 inches x 3 inches, at 300 dpi). Abstract must include data results.
    • Conclusion: A statement concerning the significance of the work and its implications for further research, if further research is applicable.
  6. It is important that methods and results be defined clearly in the abstract; therefore, general statements such as "results will be presented" are not acceptable. When a procedure or method is stated to have "advantages," those advantages should be defined. Abstracts that simply summarize results without defining background and methods are equally undesirable. When percentages are used, the absolute numbers of derivation must be stated.
  7. Abstracts comparing participant-specific data versus regional data will not be reviewed.

 After review, abstract improvement suggestions will be sent to the corresponding author, who will be able to resubmit with changes. 

Criteria for Evaluating an Abstract

1. Background

  • Does the introduction demonstrate the need for the study?
  • Is the statement of the problem clear and concise?
  • Is the statement placed early in the presentation?
  • Is the problem presented with enough background material to acquaint the reader with the importance of the problem?
  • Does the author give a good reason why the study is timely?
  • Are the terms relevant to the study clearly defined?
  • Does the introduction reflect the current state of research in the field?

2. Methodology

  • Are the details of data collection clearly and logically presented?
  • Are the limitations of the procedure clearly stated?
  • Is the population and the method of selecting the sample adequately described?
  • Are the significant characteristics of the sample described?
  • Are the instrument(s) appropriate for the study both in terms of problem and approach?

3. Results

  • Is the presentation of data clear?
  • Does the analysis show a relationship to the problem and its solution?
  • Is the tone of the report unbiased, impersonal, and scientific?
  • Are the tables, charts, or graphs pertinent?
  • Regional comparisons not allowed.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations

  • Are the results discussed in relation to the problem and conceptual framework?
  • Are the conclusions and generalizations clearly stated?
  • Are the limitations of the findings clearly delineated?
  • Are the conclusions well organized and in good sequence?
  • Are implications for future research appropriate?

Disclosure Form

All authors listed on the abstract are required to submit a Disclosure Form at the time of abstract submission. Your submission will not be listed as complete unless all authors have submitted a Disclosure Form.

Accepted Abstracts or Acceptation Notice

Authors of accepted abstracts are responsible for developing a poster that will be presented at the 2023 AQO Meeting. E-poster guidelines will be provided with final disposition notice for accepted abstracts. Authors must be registered to attend the AQO conference in order to present their accepted work.


If you have questions regarding the abstract submission process, please contact Emily Conrad, STS National Database and Patient Safety Manager, at or 312-202-5839.

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Questions? Organizer: Emily Conrad -