Welcome to the MGP Conference 2024 Call for Abstracts!
- Abstract deadline is Friday, February 23, 2024 5:00 pm EST
General Guidelines
Because hundreds of abstracts will be received for review, abstracts must be well-written and clearly and concisely outline the material that is proposed for presentation. Abstracts with a pronounced advertising or marketing focus will not be accepted. Abstracts must convey the information and data that are likely to be available at the time of the presentation to permit the reviewer to determine its relevance to the MGP community, compare it with other proposed presentations, and, if accepted for the program, assign it to an appropriate podium presentation or poster session. Those abstracts that are not accepted for podium presentations may be selected for the poster session.
While there is no restriction as to how many abstracts an organization submits, no more than 3 abstracts will be accepted from any one organization for presentation in order to maintain a balanced Conference Program. Further, a presenting author will only be allowed to present one presentation. The Technical Review Committee reserves the right to alter these restrictions based on the strength of the abstracts reviewed.
Podium presentations will be approximately 15 minutes with 5 additional minutes for Q&A.
- Abstracts must be in English.
- There is a 1,000-word limit for each abstract.
- Abstracts must identify and include the complete contact information for the presenting author (organization, phone number, and email address). Please identify if a utility representative is an author, co-author, and/or co-presenter (recommended).
- Abstracts must be organized under the following required subheadings:
- Background/Objectives
- Provide a Problem Statement and the objectives of the work that was performed. If the specific site(s) cannot be named for reasons of confidentiality, please provide enough information to establish context for the work that was performed.
- Approach/ Activities
- Describe the specific steps that were conducted to complete the work.
- Include a description of the project scale (e.g., paper study, bench/pilot test, full-scale construction, or monitoring etc.) and identify the scientific principles and/or technologies that were utilized.
- Results/Cost Efficiencies/Lessons Learned
- Summarize the data/results that support the conclusions of the work and describe the relevancy of the conclusions to the MGP community.
- Discuss any challenges, problems, and failures as well as successes and present the key lessons learned.
- Emphasize the cost efficiencies and savings.
- Notice of whether this abstract has been submitted to, accepted for, or been given as a poster or platform presentation at a conference held (or to be held) within 6 months of this conference is requested. The conference to which the abstract was submitted should be identified. If a similar abstract has been submitted to another conference, a discussion of how this presentation is different should be included (e.g., additional data).
Abstract Evaluation
We’re looking for abstracts that are well written and organized and that address topics with one or more of the following qualities:
- Addresses a new/innovative approach, new information or new technology
- Presents a current case study or one that hasn’t been presented before
- Addresses and/or solves a relevant and challenging problem that can be used for the future benefit of the MGP community
- Is provided and/or co-authored by utility representatives
- Emphasizes cost efficiencies and savings
- Applies to a large number of sites
- Includes actual project information
- Concentrates on problems and failures and how they were addressed or what lessons were learned
Other Evaluation Factors
- Indicate if you have client permission to publish/present this paper at the time of this submission.
- Indicate the category into which your paper best fits (select just one)
- Community Relations
- Stakeholder Management
- Innovative Remediation Case Studies
- In-Situ Technologies
- Ecological Risk Evaluation and Restoration
- Sediment Remediation
- Cost data/information
- Innovative Site Characterization Techniques
- Analytical Innovation/Advances
- Long-Term Stewardship/O&M/Post-Remediation Alternative Uses
- Air Monitoring and Odor Issues
- Multi-contaminant, complex sites (containing both MGP and non-MGP COCs)
- Other
- If your paper isn’t accepted as a presentation, indicate if you would be willing to present it as a poster
Acceptance/Placement Notification
- By mid-April 2024, the presenting author of each abstract will be notified of the decision regarding the acceptance abstract as either a platform and poster presentation.
- The author’s preference (podium presentation or poster) will be considered by the reviewers, but placement as requested is not guaranteed. Final decisions on podium presentation or poster placement will be based on best overall design of the MGP Conference 2024 program.
Presenter Registration Requirement
All presenting authors and session moderators are expected to register and pay the applicable technical-program registration fees.